Buckhannon Academy Families if you pick up your students after school we need your help!
The city and the police department have asked that we keep college avenue open from congestion as well as the surrounding streets. Emergency vehicles would be unable to respond if there was a need and people who live in the community are unable to get in and out of their homes. We have asked that the traffic line for entering the pick up line follows this pattern:
From route 20 turn onto Victoria St. Then turn right onto Smithfield St. and then right into the back parking lot. If you come from one of the other roads leading in, you are not in line and will be asked to wait until those following the outlined traffic pattern have entered the lot.
We open the parking lot for parents beginning at 3:10 after all students have come in from outside learning and recess but school is not dismissed until 3:15. We continue to dismiss students from the back loop until 3:45. If you could please wait until at least 3:15 to come to school to pick up you child, this will help us out tremendously. It would be most welcomed if you come even later, after the initial rush.
Remember that you MUST have your car tag to pick up your child. If for some reason you do not have this with you on any given day, you must come to the front office with a photo ID.
We thank you and appreciate your help with the situation.
~Susanne Britton
Principal, Buckhannon Academy